pfSense – Isolate vLANs with an Interface Group

Last Updated: April 22nd, 2020/Published On: April 20th, 2020/By /Views: 6248/

The Use Case

One pfSense with multiple vLANs that need to be locked down or isolated from each other. Also, need to block many vLANs from being able to access the pfSense web interface.  For example, an environment where you host servers for different clients

The Theory

Firewall rules are process in this order:  Floating>Interface Group>Interface.  Create a Floating rule to allow pfSense access to the LANs/Devices that should be allowed to access the pfSense web interface.  Create a Interface Group rules that allows LANs/Devices to talk to pfSense for DNS (if needed), blocks all other traffic to pfSense, blocks traffice to RFC1918 addresses (via Alias).  LAN Interfaces can have default allow rule.

The How-To

Create Aliases

I created two aliases to make this work:

  • PFManagmentAccess:  list of all IPs/LANs that should have access to the pfSense (replace X and Y with your subnet)
  • RFC1918:  all class C IP addresses.  Add,,

Create an Interface Group

  • Interfaces>Assignments>Interface Groups>Add.  Name Group and add all Interfaces that you want isolated.  Do not select WAN.
  • As you add more vLANs later on, this is the only spot you’ll need to add the new vLAN to

Create the Rules

Floating Rule

  • Quick:  Yes
  • Source:  Single host or alias – PFManagementAccess (alias you created above)
  • Destination:  This Firewall (self)

Interface Group Rules (top to bottom order)

Allow DNS access to pfSense

  • Action: Allow
  • Protocol:  TCP/UDP
  • Source: any
  • Destination:  This firewall (self)
  • Destination Port Range:  DNS (53) to DNS(53)

Block all other traffic to pfSense

  • Action: Block
  • Protocol:  Any
  • Source:  Any
  • Destination:  This firewall (self)

Block all traffic between vLANs

  • Action:  Block
  • Protocol:  Any
  • Source:  Any
  • Destination:  Single host or alias:  RFC1918 (alias you created above)

Ensure the order is correct

All individual rules

  • Standard default allow rules on each interface
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