Community Shares Summer Celebration – 30 Years!

Last Updated: March 19th, 2018/Published On: June 2nd, 2016/By /Views: 4046/

Wednesday night, Community Shares celebrated their 30th anniversary at their Summer Celebration event in downtown Denver. Community Shares is a workplace giving campaign allowing businesses to offer employees the ability to donate to a portfolio of non-profits directly from their paychecks. Rocky Mountain Tech Team members who participate in the program were invited to share a table for some drinks, laughs and fun.

Community-Shares-2016-01The event included a silent auction, review of the successes of the last 30 years and a heads or tails competition for two cases of wine. Down to a nail biting final round, Ben Taylor’s wife, Alicia, came home with the win!

With several hundred people in attendance, it was great to see some of our clients who benefit from the campaign including Denver Urban Matters, Community Resource Center, & Metro Volunteers.

Started in 1986, the first campaign raised $3,500 and last year hit $3.2 million for Colorado charities. To learn more about starting a workplace giving campaign with Community Shares, visit their website.

Congratulations to them on 30 years!


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